Persons with disabilities working in a hotel. Persons with disabilities working in a tourism spot. Persons with disabilities operating a convenience store in a hospital. Persons with disabilities working in a restaurant.


2022 The Publicity of “Inclusive Workplace Series”

Labour and Welfare Bureau in collaboration with HiEggo channel, produced a set of 9 video clips titled “Inclusive Workplace Series” which the participating organisations of the Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme and other organisations with provisions of support services had been invited to take part in the planning and shooting work. The series through interviews with the management of the institutions/the employers (including small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises), non-governmental organisations, employees with disabilities and their workmates, shared the participation of persons with disabilities in different trades. These included the non-governmental organisations playing their bridging roles in cross-sectoral collaboration to provide persons with disabilities and the employers with job-matching and training/support services; and the employers offering persons with disabilities internship and work opportunities and providing them and their workmates with assistive devices and measures with a view to promoting inclusive culture in the enterprises. The video clips showcased the different abilities of persons with disabilities and appealed to the public for showing appreciation and encouragement to them as well as in their day-to-day life giving support to the businesses by which persons with disabilities are employed.

Video clips of “Inclusive Workplace Series”

  1. Past Activities
Date Activities
5-3-2018 Award Presentation Ceremony of the 2017-18 Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme cum Experience Sharing Session
13-3-2017 Award Presentation Ceremony of the 2016-17 Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme cum Experience Sharing Session
29-2-2016 Award Presentation Ceremony of the 2015-16 Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme cum Experience Sharing Session
6-9-2014 Award Presentation Ceremony of the 2013-14 Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recoginition Scheme
(Headline Daily on 12 September 2014, Chinese only)PDF Format
28-9-2013 Launching Ceremony of the Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recoginition Scheme
26-8-2013 and 28-8-2013 Briefing Sessions on the Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme